Saturday, August 30, 2014

It's very hard for the children these days....

There are several things on my heart the Lord wants me to share. It all ties together somehow. It may take a few posts...

Once we are born again with the Spirit of Truth in us, one of the names of the Holy Spirit, we begin to SEE all the lies we've been fed all our lives. The world is strong, powerful evil and highly deceptive and seductive in most every way and we need to unplug as much as possible from the "system". Yes, we are in it but should not be of it. But too many "Christians" have been way more "of it".  It is called IDOLATRY.  Cultural or nominal Christianity counts for nothing. Jesus said the only thing that counts is "a new creature."

But we've been lied to, even by the mainstream churches, that it's okay to be plugged into the world, it's entertainment and values, when deep down God's children know it's wrong on so many levels that they see others participate in. We do not live in a Christian nation. There has never been such a thing, and there won't be until the kingdom of God. America is falling because of her pride and greed. I don't know if she is Babylon literally, as in the whore of Babylon. I have often truly wondered, for more than 12 years...

All that to say, that it is PRIDE that causes the fall, and PROUD she has been and still is... So in this sense she is like the whore.... She thinks she is so blessed and rich and great and slowly she is crumbling and it's been speeding. But after a while she will come down with a crash...

And what of all the little children and youth indoctrinated into its' selfish, money seeking, fame seeking, system and lies.... with hardly anywhere to turn. All the while their parents let them drown, or ignore their drowning because they are too busy pursuing the almighty dollar or whatever else is deemed " acceptable" by this wicked society. It's just sickening and it gets to you after a while how corrupt and twisted everything has become. LIES LIES LIES. That is why we are SEEING the fall, if we have courage and eyes to accept it, and only the LORD allows for that.

Many "Christians" are not truly born again if they are following the world so comfortably. That is not real fruit. They have not been truly born of the Spirit, or they have fallen asleep by their idolatry or acceptance of the world's ways and all its' evil changes and progressions in depravity (as with accepting homosexuality as one obvious example and there are MANY)

Yes, we must throw down ALL idols and turn to the Lord before it is too late. REPENTANCE is a daily aspect of our walk with the LORD. If it is not there or encouraged by your "church" or good friends then you may need to consider whether you re in fact in the FAITH, as in the real walk of faith with Jesus Christ! He is the only savior from the destruction coming upon this land, this land that thought and thinks herself herself so high and mighty... Don't  you too be proud or you will fall with her! Only THE LORD can save you-- not your church, not your family, not your own efforts, not your friends, not your money in the bank, not your nice house or good job, not your health or statuts, not your popularity or good talents, not your doctors or counselors, not your budget or your degree, not your position or knowledge, not your previous success or good luck, not your vacations or days off, not your medicines, not your special meetings or groups, not your significant other or mate ....Only Jesus Christ.

The Lord is the only one to fear. Fear of man will prove to be a snare.... It always does. We are to fear the Lord daily because we are living in PERILOUS times and He ALONE can keep us and rescue us. We must return wholeheartedly to the Lord...Only a remnant will be saved...

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Awesome word about being rescued!!

Hi, you all, whoever reads this and is a Truth lover : )...
Jesus our LORD and SAVIOR is so amazing and wonderful...
Wanted to share this encouraging devotional from David Wilkerson ( awesome preacher... who died a few years back) It is just such a timely word of comfort for God's people... Had to share it in light of the urgent times we are living in... David Wilkerson was also a prophet of these last days.

Blessings and love in JESUS and leave me a comment if this touches your it did mine
What an awesome LORD we have.... Lift up His Name!!


Friday, August 8, 2014

Waking up?

Wishing more people would wake up to the times we are living in. I know the Lord is really trying to wake up His bride. But those who only go though the motions of doing the Christian thing are not really discerning the times or they don't want to. They love their predictable comfortable lives too much and don't respond to the Lord's nudging it seems. Too many are slumbering and the LORD in His love is trying to wake people up. But with all the deception around too many get seduced away…
There are seductive spirits roaming rampantly, and they are really destructive spirits.
It is better to be afflicted and see and obey than to be comfortable, pampered and deceived and slipping away. There is no middle ground. We go one way or the other, especially in these last days. Deceptive, seducing spirits are running RAMPANT and only by abiding in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit can we discern and escape. It's too easy to fall asleep. Warriors should not be found sleeping in a battlefield …. !!  Wake up church!

Luke 10:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

Read Luke 10 and tell me we are not living in these very end times Jesus is speaking about… Yes, we do not know they day or hour but we are called to watch and pray!

Luke 12:
54 And he said also to the people, When you see a cloud rise out of the west, immediately you say, There comes a shower; and so it is.
55 And when you see the south wind blow, you say, There will be heat; and it comes to pass.
56 You hypocrites, you can discern the appearance of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that you do not discern this time?

I know the Lord speaks to those who are listening and reveals things. We must draw close to Him, staying in the Word, "praying always"( Luke 10:36) and speaking the truth in love, by His grace… Jesus said in John 10 ( emphasis mine)
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and my Father are one.
So sheep HEAR and FOLLOW and are kept by their awesome Shepherd! Praise the LORD!